Welcome to the library!

Mrs. Hartwig - Librarian trhartwig@shenandoah.k12.va.us

Click here for the link to the 20 Book Challenge Form! Pease fill it out completely before submitting. Happy Reading!

Follow us on Instagram! @pmms_library

Destiny Search

Research Links

10 months ago

These online resources provide up-to-date, reliable and school-appropriate information. These resources are excellent sources for research in any content area.  

A simple keyword search will result in access to encyclopedia articles, videos, images, suggested websites and more! Students can listen to articles and articles can be translated to any language.

Log-in should be automatic when accessing form school. From home use the info below.
username: shenandoah
password: Ktwelve

Explora (click Explora on this page)
EBSCO’s Explora is a user-friendly search tool that supports both research and instruction. Explora searches across the following resources.
When accessing from home - username: valib password: va@lib1

Junior Library Guild digital - ebooks and audiobooks (new selections added monthly)
This subscription is provided through FindItVA.

Smithsonian Institute 

The Smithsonian Institution is the world’s largest museum, education, and research complex, shaping the future by preserving heritage, discovering new knowledge, and sharing our resources with the world.


Pros and cons of controversial issues. Read pro and con arguments for and against topics such as medical marijuana, euthanasia, prostitution, gun control, and more.

We monitor the factual accuracy of what is said by major U.S. political players in the form of TV ads, debates, speeches, interviews and news releases. Our goal is to apply the best practices of both journalism and scholarship, and to increase public knowledge and understanding.

Mission Statement

Peter Muhlenberg Middle School library strives to be a center of collaborative learning that produces creative students who have critical thinking skills, an appreciation of literature,  and a respect for others and self.  The library seeks to create a 21st century environment that promotes learning for all students by providing equitable access to information, teaching information literacy skills, and encouraging lifelong learning.

The school library at PMMS supports the philosophy and beliefs of Shenandoah County Public Schools by maintaining a library collection to support academic and personal growth as well as the integration of 21st century skills that support and enhance the school’s curriculum through collaboration.

The Peter Muhlenberg Middle School librarian will serve as an instructional partner, information specialist, teacher, and program administrator to provide students with access to resources and learning experiences. The library program will strive to:

  • Support collaboration of learners to become users and producers of ideas
  • Promote reading for academic and personal growth
  • Target multiple literacies to develop 21st century skills among learners
  • Incorporate inquiry into to research process
  • Assess student learning to monitor learning goals